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If you are thinking of having this surgery and think you might be too old, think again. I had my surgery June 27, 2012 just 5 days before my 63rd birthday. The surgery was a breeze. I had no gas pain, no shoulder pain, no nausea and very little discomfort. It took a while to adjust to the new eating patterns but you really can teach an old dog new tricks. I will say that patience is a virtue during your trip to Mexico. Waiting for transport was always nerve wracking but all ended up well. Be well informed before your trip, the staff is helpful but not too informative so you will need to answer your own questions. The nice thing about the sleeve is there is no giving up, if you hit a plateau you can't go out and binge, you just wait and then the scale moves again. Not like the old days when you would say, this isn't working lets go eat a pizza (and I mean a whole one). I am happy I had this done, I would do it again in a minute. Do your research and make your own decision but don't think you are too old, age is just a state of mind!
Be happy:-)