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Sometimes the planets align perfectly. I had a service performed on a Sunday November 19 by a former physician from Brazil. Conversationally I inquired about weight management. Right question to the right person. She told me, after two years of investigation and inquiry, she decided to have Dr Almanza do her surgery. She looks wonderful and gives me all the information. So began my journey. A call the next morning garnered my spot for surgery on November 24th. I have not looked back. Since having a lap band removed on August 25 my weight was creeping up: 15 lbs. Every aspect of this has been carefully and professionally designed. No qualms at all, only thrilled and pleased with the immediate results:10 lbs lost. That's after only one week. I would recommend this program to any person who has stubborn weight to lose. You will not be disappointed and that is from both me and the physician who told me about it initally.