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Hi, I did it !!!! I've been sleeved, so far so good, it's been 2 weeks today I've lost 18 pounds since the day I started my five-day fasting for surgery, I was really very scared What scares me most is that I knew I couldn't change it once it was done, but so far I haven't had one day that I've been sorry.
The doctors were awesome the staff was great ,
My husband has been such a blessing Bless his heart he has done so much for me
I have been battling weight gain since I was 10 years old , I have always had to be careful what I eat otherwise I would gain and gain, it's been really scary for me to think where I would end up , I had reached 241 pounds , At the point where I needed a seatbelt extender in our vehicles and on airplanes,I was extremely embarrassed.
Always short on breath, size 2X large clothing were getting tight
And at the point where my blood pressure was high often when I went to the doctors but not yet on meds,
But I feel great so much energy now
If your thinking about getting sleeved my advice would be to talk to someone who's already done it , That's what I did
Made a lot of great new friends that was awesome