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When I decided to have the surgery I was having problems with my back and feet to the point to where I couldn't hardly walk! or do what I needed to do, working on the job was even hard! since having my sleeve I am down 145lb i now have more energy!! that I could. Have never ever imagine me having! I go walking and jogging sometimes with my wife! are most fun exercise! we do together is riding bicycles together! My feet and back have gotton so much better! I never could imagine I could enjoy life! like I do, thank you so much for helping me!! And for taking care of me while I was in your care! and answering any questions we had during the aftercare!
taking back my life! with this tool! that you provided has been one of the best decisions! of my lifetime! I will always be grateful and thankful for your help! the best advice I could give anyone if you're on the fence! about having weight loss surgery is do it! and Trust the process! but most importantly stay focused and stay true to yourself! and your program,
You will not regret the decision entirely yes there will be days! you will wish you had not had the surgery because that old self will rise up and you will wish you could indulge in all your old habits! Especially when life is not going your way but remember you have a new goal! in mind you're going places and to be able to reach your dreams you must put yourself on the back burner and focus on your doctor's plan for you! and in the meantime learn to love your new self the good and the bad I wish you the best of luck!