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Most of my life I have been overweight and invisible to others. The men around me never noticed me or gave me a second look. In the shadows of life, I became invisible to my own self through the years. As my health declined, I allowed my bad eating habits to contribute to getting type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and neuropathy in my feet and hands as well. My last visit to my doctor the week before the weight loss surgery warranted a conversation in which I was told that I needed to go on daily insulin shots. I explained to my doctor that I was planning on having the gastric sleeve done the following week and she agreed to hold off on putting me on insulin shots for the time being. I went the next week to Tijuana, Mexico and had to surgery performed on the 13th of last month and I was weighing a little over 280 lbs the week before the surgery and today I am at 251 lbs in just this short time. My appetite has decreased tremendously and I am pleased with my results so far. Its challenging for me to adjust to the almost immediate fullness that I feel only after a few spoonsful of food. This journey has been amazing so far and I am looking forward to the continuing progress ahead. This is a step that I am glad that I took and I do not regret my decision thus far.