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I was unable to have bariatric surgery in the U.S. because my health insurance would not cover it & could not afford to pay cash for it myself. I began the medical insurance process 5 years ago at age 35. I worked it from every avenue I could for over a year, but to no avail. I gave up for a while & spent too much money on diets. My husband finally said I couldn't spend any more because it was just wasted. That's when i decided I would find a way to pay cash for surgery, even if I had to put it back $10 at a time. Through my husbands health insurance I found out we could put up to $5000 in a flexible spending account to pay for eligible medical expenses that insurance doesn't cover. Weight loss surgery was an eligible expense.
I went on line looking for a physician. That's when i found Weight Loss Associates. Though I knew many people who had had surgery and dental work in Mexico (I live in Texas), I had no idea there was entire network dedicated solely to this purpose. I found Dr. Almanza at the Jerusalem Clinic & he was running a special price. I knew almost instantly i had found my way. I think I was crying as i was sending emails & making phone calls to ask questions. I researched Dr. Almanza & The Jerusalem Clinic from several different outside sources to make sure they were legit. As a former nurse, I knew what to look for & I was happy with what I found.
I am an emotional eater. For 5 years I had tried all kinds of diets and had made many healthy changes, but the emotional eating was something I had been unable to overcome. Having the gastric sleeve done changed this for me. Going on liquids befor surgery was very hard, but i wanted the surgery worse than I wanted to have a hamburger with my husband. Recovery seemed slow, but I realized I had made a major life change, and change is slow and difficult. I was tired and grouchy for about 6 weeks after surgey, but then I started to get some energy back and the weight was.coming off fairly rapidly and my mood improved with each shed pound.
I was 318 pounds when i started my journey. I celebrated my 40th birthday 62 pounds lighter. It was the best birthday ever. I'm now down to 237 pounds, 81 pounds lighter than when I began. My goal is 180. The weight is coming off at a more normal pace now. My knees dont hurt anymore. The old injury in my foot doesn't hurt when I exercise. All exercise is so much more bearable. I follow the diet regimen the clinic sent home with me. Following it has helped me avoid some of the problems people have when they eat whatever they feel like on a daily basis.
I'm SO HAPPY I did this. I'm finally free to be me!