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The team was extraordinary. They really cared about each of us and we felt nurtured and loved. It was nearly a spiritual experience. Surgery is never easy, but I can truthfully say that the positivity and compassion demonstrated by the Jerusalem Hospital team made the difference. Dr. Almanzo was a dear from the first minutes of meeting him. Since most of the team, including the surgeons, have all had the procedure themselves, their care and empathy was especially helpful. Our group (each day comprises a group/unit of surgical patients who experiences all stages of pre- and post surgical experiences together) received a touching send- off by the medical team, full of well wishes, last minute advice, gentle jokes and many hugs and tears. Because, they believe that what they do every single day is answering a higher, spiritual calling. They truly care about their work, are enthusiastic about it, and believe me...they work very hard and many, many extra hours.