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It took me a year to decide on having gastric sleeve surgery with WLA. I had the gastric sleeve surgery three weeks ago and I'm doing fine. I have lost 30 pounds since my surgery. No complications and no pain. I'm following the drinking and eating guide- lines and feel good. The discomfort I was experiencing in my knees is almost gone and can walk, weather permitting every day. I'm a 71 year old male, probably one of their older patients. I was apprehensive about having surgery in Tijuana, Mexico because of all the horror stories that I have heard all my life about Tijuana. I was very pleased that they pick you up in a van at the airport take you to the hospital for pre-testing then have you get in the van and drive to the motel, all in the same block. Once there I never had any worries about being safe. I wondered why they were picking me up so early on the day I was to fly home but understood when the traffic narrowed from four lanes to two and then to 28 lanes bumper to bumper traffic at the border. The attendants were very nice and helped me to the ticket counter. The airline treated me like their long lost grandpa the whole way home. I live in a area that has a lot of snow so have not been able to get out and walk a lot for fear of falling but do go to Walmart every other day to pick up various items and do some walking while in the store. I have only had to take a pain pill twice and that was a precaution in the first few days after surgery. Two weeks post surgery I have lost 20 pounds. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in the next year or two to get down to what a man my age, body build and height should be.