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I was suffering from lower back pain, knee pain, swollen ankles, sore feet, pre-diabetic A1C at 6.1; and always feeling exhausted and out of breath. I started at 400 pounds back in 11/17. Lost 30 lbs before surgery. As of today 12/11/2018. I've lost 143 pounds. I went from size 28 to 14-16. I love this new lease on life. I also lost my hair but it's part of the drastic change, and please don't worry about your hair, it will grow again, just relax and enjoy the ride, and remember to eat slow. Gracias Dr. Almanza y todo su equipo por haber hecho un excelente trabajo conmigo. Que Dios le bendiga con muchos aƱos de salud para que siga ayudando a gente como yo.