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Highest weight before liquid diet:270
surgery weight:254
Current weight:185
Getting the gastric sleeve was the BEST decision of my life and my only regret is not having it done sooner.
It was a little scarier making a decision to go to Mexico but once I got to the hospital all my worries drifted away. I opted to go by myself and leave my husband and family at home. The reason for this was I wanted to focus on me and not be worried about him etc. I m glad I did. I was able to focus on my recovery and meet new people and really just relax as crazy as that sounds since I had a major surgery.
Grand view hospital was clean, the staff was friendly and helpful and were all there for you as needed. One thing I really loved was they didn t bother you all the time like American hospitals. I was able to sleep and not be interrupted every hour.
Bring a heating pad and gas-x. They saved me. I had a routine after surgery. Take gas-x, walk, lay down with heating pad on back, sleep and repeat.
I have had zero complications and I would recommend Dr. Almanza to my own grandma and anyone who needs him.