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For a long time my weight has been something that I have struggled with, as I was not a "heavy" set child or teenager. After I had my daughter (14 yrs ago) I slowly started putting on weight. Without meaning too, I found myself weighing 285 pounds. And was not happy. Since then I have fought with my weight, up and down. A few years ago a friend close to the family had surgery and Dr.Almanza was her doctor. I was able to see first hand how he helped her to change her life. So now I am very excited to begin this journey. No longer will I be the "fat girl" trapped in a "thin" girl's body. I know and accept that this will be a very personal challenge, changing everything in my life. I am prepared for this. I am aware that I must follow the guidelines that have been set up to help me with this journey, as I do not want to have any complications. I am very happy with the care I received through Weight Loss Agents, and I would highly recommend them to others. I had surgery 6 weeks ago and i have lost 30 pounds. It seems the weight is coming off slowly, and i am fine with that. I received excellent care and treatment under the doctor's care, and i would recommend him to anyone who asks.