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To all who have struggled with their weight: When you reach a point in your life and you say enough is enough, you choose to change your life and start living it in a way so that you can finally enjoy it. It doesn't matter what kind of journey you take to get there, it's the fact that you chose to take the journey. It's never easy or painless but it will always be worth it. I have found my worth and with god, a great surgeon ( Dr. Almanza), good family and friends this journey has and continues to be a journey worth taking. I will never look back at my old self in embarrassment but with accomplishment. I had to hit rock bottom before I could realize that my life was being so short lived by the weight I allowed to accumulate on my body and the choices I was making not to get up when I would fall. A life battle has come to be a life change for me and I now can say I have a sense of control over who I want to be. I want to be healthy, I want to be happy and most of all I want to live. Thank you all who were a part of Dr. Almanza's team. You were all very professional and accommodating, my stay at the recovery house and hotel was great and my pain management was terrific. Thank you again for helping change my life. The mirror is a constant reminder of the amazing gift you have blessed me with and that will forever be appreciated. God bless.